1. According to a resolution of the Audit Meeting held by the Audit Office on June 27, 2024, and as instructed by the Chancellor, all thesis defense-related fees (including fees for thesis and proposal defenses, advisor fees, and travel expenses, etc.) for each unit of the university should not be advanced beforehand by departments or Schools. Instead, these fees should be transferred to the personal accounts of the examining committee members. (Official Document No. 357157)
2.Staff members who have already completed the advance payment process before November 1 should proceed with the reimbursement process as soon as possible.
3.Henceforth, all defense fees will be paid via bank transfer. Each responsible unit is requested to process the reimbursement immediately after each defense to avoid situations where professors need to deduct income tax and personal supplementary insurance premiums due to one-time payments (When thesis advisory fees received by an individual exceed 20,000 NTD at one time, income tax and personal supplementary insurance premiums must be deducted.).
4.Starting from November 1, when processing reimbursements for thesis defense-related fees, a claim list and a payment list should be attached (Signed receipts are not required, but receipts for external committee members should still be attached.).